“Cerebral Palsy in Special Education” Workshop
Funding Institution: Turkish Delegation of European Union
Grant Scheme: Think Civil to Make Change EU Program
Implementation Period: March 2017 – April 2017
Period of Project: 1 Month
Project Budget: 5.000 Euros
Project Definition:
Cerebral Palsy in Special Education Workshop funded by the Think Civil to Make Change EU Program and conducted under the coordination of the Turkish Delegation of European Union was held on March 17, 2017 at the Foundation with the participation of 38 academicians, experts, special education teachers and non-governmental organization representatives.
The workshop focused on Cerebral Palsy awareness, standing point of Cerebral Palsy in special education and academic studies and also how to increase the number of academic studies.
A report was prepared on the agenda discussed at the workshop and was shared with participants, related institutes and institutions.