Smile with Me
Protective and Preventive Oral and Dental Health for 0 to 6 Years Old Infants and Children with Disability
Funding Institution: R.T. Ministry of Development, İstanbul Development Agency
Grant Scheme: Financial Support Program in 2016 for Children and Teenagers
Implementation Period: January 2017 – December 2017
Period of Project: 12 Months
Project Budget: 585,200 TL
Project Coordinator: İstanbul Provincial Health Department
Project Partner: Spastic Children’s Foundation of Turkey - Cerebral Palsy Turkey
Smile with Me Project funded by İstanbul Development Agency was successfully implemented in 2017 under the coordination of İstanbul Provincial Health Department and with the partnership of our Foundation. The project met the important need of supplying oral and dental protective health service and education for babies and children with disability between 0 to 6 years in their own environment and created a new service model.
1.229 children with special needs have been visited at their homes in 6 districts affiliated with the General Secretariat of İstanbul Southern Anatolian Side Public Hospitals.
Within the scope of the project;
- Risk analyses were made concerning the oral and dental health of the children.
- Special diagnosis and treatment methods were implemented and followed up.
- “Oral and Dental Health Training” was provided to 3.086 people in their houses.
- Dentists provided supports to 600 families via live line services.
- Individual psychological consultancy service was provided to 140 families.
- Dental operations under general anesthesia were realized for 40 children.
- “Method of Communication with Disabled Children” and “Preventive Dentistry Health Services” trainings were provided for a group of 170 dentists and dentistry clinic assistants.